ASSOCIATING1.7. State the statement whether it is true or false based on the text. If it is false write the true one. ChickensChickens are domesticated birds that belong to the Gallus gallus domesticus species. They are one of the most widely kept and economically important livestock animals in the world.Chickens are a vital source of food and income for people around the world. They provide meat (chicken), eggs, and feathers for various purposes. Hens (female chickens) are prolific egg layers. They can lay an average of 250 to 300 eggs per year, although some high- production breeds can lay even more. Roosters (male chickens) are responsible for fertilizing eggs. They are known for their distinctive crowing, which they do to establish territory and attract hens.Chickens are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including grains, seeds, Insects. and small animals. Their diet affects the flavor and nutrition of their eggs and meat.​


1.7. State the statement whether it is true or false based on the text. If it is false write the true one.

Chickens are domesticated birds that belong to the Gallus gallus domesticus species. They are one of the most widely kept and economically important livestock animals in the world.

Chickens are a vital source of food and income for people around the world. They provide meat (chicken), eggs, and feathers for various purposes. Hens (female chickens) are prolific egg layers. They can lay an average of 250 to 300 eggs per year, although some high- production breeds can lay even more. Roosters (male chickens) are responsible for fertilizing eggs. They are known for their distinctive crowing, which they do to establish territory and attract hens.

Chickens are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including grains, seeds, Insects. and small animals. Their diet affects the flavor and nutrition of their eggs and meat.​


  • False. Chickens are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including grains, seeds, insects, and small animals.Sikap yang melatarbelakangi seseorang atau kelompok melakukan perbuatan pencurian atau perampokan bisa bervariasi tergantung pada konteksnya. Beberapa faktor yang mungkin memengaruhi termasuk kondisi sosial-ekonomi, lingkungan tempat tinggal, dorongan finansial, ketidakstabilan emosional, dan kurangnya kesempatan atau alternatif lain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan. Misalnya, seseorang atau kelompok mungkin melakukan perbuatan tersebut karena merasa terdesak secara finansial, merasa terpinggirkan secara sosial, atau bahkan terlibat dalam lingkungan yang memperkuat norma-norma negatif.

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