Read the text below and answer the questions. At the Park Risa is at the park. Her cat, Cathy, is with her. Risa rides her bike and plays with Cathy. Then, she goes to the pond to see the ducks. She thinks they are so cute and funny. After that Risa smells the flowers. She loves flowers very much. They are jasmine, roses and some dandelion around the park. a. There are Risa's friends at the park. They are Anton, Hamish, and Arif. They are playing football together. They kick the ball and make some goals. They look very happy. When they are playing football, they can listen to the birds singing in the trees. ​

Read the text below and answer the questions. At the Park Risa is at the park. Her cat, Cathy, is with her. Risa rides her bike and plays with Cathy. Then, she goes to the pond to see the ducks. She thinks they are so cute and funny. After that Risa smells the flowers. She loves flowers very much. They are jasmine, roses and some dandelion around the park. a. There are Risa's friends at the park. They are Anton, Hamish, and Arif. They are playing football together. They kick the ball and make some goals. They look very happy. When they are playing football, they can listen to the birds singing in the trees. ​


Based on the provided text, there are several pieces of information:

1. **Characters at the Park:**

- Risa is at the park with her cat, Cathy.

- Risa's friends at the park are Anton, Hamish, and Arif.

2. **Activities at the Park:**

- Risa rides her bike and plays with her cat, Cathy.

- Risa goes to the pond to see the ducks and finds them cute and funny.

- Risa also enjoys the fragrance of various flowers in the park, including jasmine, roses, and dandelions.

3. **Additional Activity:**

- Risa's friends, Anton, Hamish, and Arif, are playing football together. They kick the ball and make goals.

4. **Environment at the Park:**

- While playing football, Risa's friends can hear the birds singing in the trees, indicating a natural and pleasant environment.

Now, for the questions:

a. **Who are Risa's friends at the park?**

- Risa's friends at the park are Anton, Hamish, and Arif.

b. **What activities does Risa do at the park?**

- Risa rides her bike, plays with her cat Cathy, goes to the pond to see the ducks, and enjoys the fragrance of various flowers, including jasmine, roses, and dandelions.

c. **What are Risa's friends doing at the park?**

- Risa's friends, Anton, Hamish, and Arif, are playing football together. They kick the ball and make goals. They also enjoy the birds singing in the trees while playing.

The text provides a wholesome picture of outdoor activities, friendship, and appreciation for nature at the park.

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